GST2RSX-S here now. The man behind K20A.ORG ECU forum sticky

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GST2RSX-S here now. The man behind K20A.ORG ECU forum sticky

Post by GST2RSX-S »

I've been following developments on the KTuner for nearly a year now. I've finally decided to come out from hiding, and I'm here now.

The one thing I want to say that needs improvement on K-Pro which I hope KTuner is the answer to is... HONDATA IS A BUNCH OF JERKS!!!

Hondata pushed their weight around on every K-Series forum to shut me up on HOW BIG OF JERKS HONDATA IS!!!

We all know this from experience, no one needs me to tell them. Now, we can finally vent to someone that will hear us loud and clear.

All hail the solution to HONDATA BEING A BUNCH OF JERKS! Similar/Equivalent product, better customer service from what I've seen.

I mean, who hasn't called Hondata only for them to treat you like an idiot. Really, we're all idiots? Even if we are, it gives them no right to treat us like we are.

Ok, off my soapbox.

Despite how much Hondata must dislike me, and how much I dislike them, I still deal in K-pro's. It's a love-hate relationship. I know all about the ECUs and K-Pros and love the product, but I hate the customer support.

That's all, have a nice day. KTuner rocks!!!
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Re: GST2RSX-S here now. The man behind K20A.ORG ECU forum st

Post by KTuner »

Welcome to the forum. I never really took a look at that K20a thread until now. You put in a lot of work!

This is a public forum and I'm certainly not one to suppress anyone's opinions or info. I'm sure there's cronies reporting back over there, though. I know how nice it can be to vent your frustration, but I don't want this to become a bashing forum or come back to bite KTuner as a whole. :)

As far as hearing the K series market moving forward... heck yes. This whole market is changing already and I'm happy to be helping it grow!
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Re: GST2RSX-S here now. The man behind K20A.ORG ECU forum st

Post by GST2RSX-S »

Thanks for the welcome. It's definitely not a positive thing to bash others. Better to talk up the positive of what you have to offer, than to bash others. I've just had pent up frustration for those people for quite sometime, as I'm sure others have.

More about myself... I've been a K-Series Tuner for 12 years now, and I've made and contributed many discoveries, dyno tests, results, etc. I hope to be of help anyway I can. I've been regarded in the past as one of the best K-Series tuners in the world due to my success tuning K-Series, mostly in NA setups. Mostly, I feel that's it's just people talking me up, I don't think I'm necessarily that good. Or, in other words, there is always room for improvement.

On I was one of the first to sell and standardize pricing on small individual engine components/parts. I had one of the longest going for sale thread with hundreds of buyers, and became the name to have as a vouch for buying/selling parts. The thread must have been over 20 pages long [maybe longer, can't remember]. With all the parts sales, research I had done on K-Series, having a computer and electronics background, ECU knowledge, and already working with Hondata on a few projects, at that point Hondata approached/called me and asked to make me a Hondata dealer back in 2004/2005. Hondata and I worked together to make some discoveries. At that point, I had to start the parts sales thread all over again [as well as branch out to other selling sites], which I did, and went for another 11 pages. Eventually, Hondata got prideful and became jerks to me and everyone else. I've always stood for my customers as customer servicer is number one, and the customer is always right. When I backed the customer and stood up to Hondata, that's when Hondata and I began the Love-Hate relationship we still enjoy-hate today.

Anyway, I moved on from forums, and after that only stuck to tuning and selling parts elsewhere. No more forums for me, buts still lurked from time to time. But, I still do and always have live, eat, breath K-Series day-in day-out. It IS my day job.

Well, I hate to sound prideful, and I'm sure I've already said to much, but that about sums up my history in K-Series, tuning, and ECU knowledge.
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Re: GST2RSX-S here now. The man behind K20A.ORG ECU forum st

Post by KTuner »

Quite a story there. I prefer to work with my dealers in an effort to better the software and industry as a whole. The few who have been alienated over time are due to misunderstandings or another dealer being allowed to use the software when they have their own personal issues between the two of them. Not drama I care to partake in.

As far as you being a K series tuner, I'd like to get your thoughts on how we currently handle our dealer setup. Maybe you'll even become a dealer some day as the software grows in popularity. Shoot me an email if you want to review our dealer details.
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Re: GST2RSX-S here now. The man behind K20A.ORG ECU forum st

Post by GST2RSX-S »

I'd love to help. Email sent.
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